At the Chapter Chain we don't want to stem the flow of a child's imagination, so we are suggesting the ideal size of the novel, number of chapters and number of words per chapter but this is a guide only to help those who may not be used to writing, and it is not a strict rule. Competition entries will not be penalised for falling outside the following guidance: Total Novel: 10,000-30,000 words; No. of Chapters: 6-10; No. of Words per Chapter: 500-850
There is no need to double space your work.
Always use a font that is sensible and easy to read, For example Courier, Arial, Verdana or Times New Roman. Please do not use fonts like Comic Sans or Impact.
The material you submit must be your own creative work.
Please always submit a digital copy of your work to us in Microsoft Word or PDF via the entry form. We will always confirm the receipt of all submissions within 7 days however during busy periods it may take up to 4 weeks before they appear on the website.
Get YOUR VERSION of the story published online
for the world to read and if it's really good it could get in the first ever Chapter Chain Children's published book.
All you have to do is write the first chapter of YOUR VERSION of the story starting with:
"It was/wasn't me, really it was/wasn't, but how on earth do I tell them without them finding out the truth"
The public will vote for their favourite version to be included in the final book. Then the competition re-opens for you to submit YOUR VERSION of Chapter Two - remember though, the story MUST follow on from the winning chapter one.
Then the process is repeated over and over until the book is complete.